Black Lives Matter: We Must Stand Up. There Is No Other Time Than Now.

In an exclusive interview, Ingrid Silva — Founder of EmpowHer NY, talks about the latest events regarding this historical moment for black people all over the world, and gives us an insightful overview on how we can start a positive and impactful change in our society once and for all. The global pandemic didn't stop people from going to the streets and claiming for the rights of the black people to exist in the world, nor stopped them from standing up and supporting the cause. The protests are a clear message that people are tired of promises. We want this reality to change and we want it now. In order to accomplish that though, we must take action.

We all seem to agree that diversity is one of the most effective ways to end racism. In many segments of our society, such as the workplace; the entertainment industry; the fashion industry; the political fields to name a few, we talk about diversity and how important it is to assure a diverse environment everywhere we go; however, in order to end hundreds and hundreds of years of slavery behavior, we must act to assure diversity, by including it in our daily lives and understanding that everything we do affects black people, in both professional and personal settings. I know that might sound overwhelming; however, "black people have been living under those circumstances since the very first day they were taken from their home countries", Ingrid elucidated.

"We must educate ourselves on how to actively fight racism because not being racist is not enough.", she reflected. The names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery echo through the streets on the mouths of those who can not stand living in a world where black people are not safe and respected. 

Diversity, inclusion and representation are practices to achieve race equality, but we all must compromise and make it happen everyday. Ingrid brought to the table a powerful solution to this equation. "Hire black people. And I am not just talking about servant positions, which are also noble jobs. Hire black people for strategic positions, leadership positions.", Ingrid defended. Big companies donate money to institutions that support black communities, but they don't have them around. In many industries, the amount of black people that hierarchically occupies positions of power does not mirror black people's demographics in most countries. It is urgent that black people navigate the same life opportunities white people do.

"Black people were nobody's slaves. White men invaded their land, they tortured, slaughtered and enslaved black people, as if they were less than a human being. The structural racism we witness today in these big corporations goes from generation to generation. We must educate our children, we must educate those around us. Racism is a cultural thing. Our sons and daughters will perpetrate the racism they see in their homes.", she concluded.

The non-racist behavior sees the worth and the beauty of every race. The anti-racist behavior sees the worth and the beauty of every race and teaches them to others. 

The more diverse our surroundings are, the more likely it is that the next generation will understand and respect diversity even more. Ingrid advocates that education is a crucial element in this social dynamic. The affluence or the lack of education has an enormous impact on how black people have survived throughout History in this society. "Education means opportunity. When we invest in better education for black people, the greater are the chances they will thrive.", Ingrid states.

Finally, no matter how far we advance, our society doesn't respect the limits of black people's bodies. For Ingrid, "This is about the right to exist inside my own body.", the organic boundary that we live in and supposedly belongs to us. We must start respecting others, especially black people who have been suffering prejudice and outrageous crimes for so long. The work we are committing to do now is not only for black people, it is for all of us. "All lives matter" is a deceiving speech from those who are choosing to not do their part in this time in History. It is time to assure that black people have their voices, not only heard, but also occupying spaces they haven't occupied before. Black lives matter.

Wendia Machado

Wendia Machado is a Brazilian writer who currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. Born and raised in Aracaju, Brazil, the dream of achieving a successful career as a writer in the Big Apple presented itself when she was only seven. Nowadays, Wendia is a freelance columnist in NYC working on two projects: a first play O Sentido that will come out in 2020, and her first novel.

Instagram: @WendiaMachado


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